Yoga for Kids and Teens

Origins of yoga for Kids and Teens
In India people start practising yoga as kids, so kids have been practising yoga for as long as yoga has been around - thousands of years. But creating a specific approach for children or teens, adapted to their body and mind is a relatively new thing.
In the 1980s, American teacher Marsha Wenig created "YogaKids," a program that adapted traditional yoga poses into kid-friendly movements and games.
Since then, many other teachers have developed their own styles of kids yoga, incorporating elements of play and imagination to make the practice more engaging for children.
There are specific yoga for kids certifications. One of our teachers, Vanessa Langlois is a certified and experienced Kids and Teens Yoga teacher.
How is Yoga for Kids different from yoga for grownups?
While the basic principles of yoga remain the same, there are some key differences in how kids and adults approach the practice. Here are a few ways in which kids yoga differs from adult yoga:
- Playful approach: Kids yoga incorporates elements of play, such as animal-inspired poses and fun games, to keep children engaged and interested.
- Shorter duration: Children have shorter attention spans, so kids yoga classes are typically shorter in length compared to adult classes.
- Age-appropriate poses: Kids are still growing and developing physically, so their bodies may not be able to perform some of the more advanced yoga poses that adults can do. Kids yoga focuses on age-appropriate poses that are safe for their bodies.
- Emphasis on fun: While adults may approach yoga as a form of exercise, for kids it's important to make the practice enjoyable and fun. This can help them develop a positive attitude towards physical activity.
Many schools now organise yoga classes on-site, and there are many books and apps available to help teachers and parents.
In the UK, Cosmic Kids Yoga is a famous app for children aged 3+ created by Jaime Amore from Reading. Their strapline: "screen time that gives kids superpowers". The Cosmic Kids yoga app costs £7.99 a month or £49,99 for a year. Cosmic Kids is also a YouTube channel with more than 400 Million views.
Recommended poses in yoga for kids
Kids love animals, and luckily yoga is already mimicking a lot of animal behaviours, so kids will love to practice the dog pose or the cobra pose, for example, as they can visualise them. They even get to impersonate animals we don't usually find in yoga, like Dinosaurs! Practising in pairs and ballon breathing also adds fun to the sessions:
- Animal poses: Children love to imitate animals, making animal poses a fun and engaging way to introduce them to yoga. Some popular animal poses for kids include downward dog (dog pose), cobra (snake pose), and butterfly (butterfly pose).
- Partner poses: Partner poses are great for building trust and communication among children. They also add an element of playfulness to the practice. Some fun partner poses for kids include tree pose, where two children hold hands and balance on one leg each, and double downward dog, where two children stand facing each other in downward dog pose.
- Breathing exercises: Breathing exercises are an essential part of yoga and can help children focus and calm their minds. One simple breathing exercise for kids is balloon breathing, where they take deep breaths in and out while imagining a balloon inflating and deflating.
Yoga for teens
As children grow into teenagers, they face unique challenges and struggles. Teen yoga is specifically designed to address these issues and support teens in their physical and emotional well-being. Here are some of the benefits of teen yoga:
- Reduces stress and anxiety: The teenage years can be a stressful time with academic pressures, social challenges, and hormonal changes. Yoga helps teens to manage these difficulties and find inner peace.
- Develops body awareness: Teenagers go through rapid physical changes during this stage of life. Yoga can help them connect with their bodies and understand and appreciate these changes.
- Improves focus and concentration: Like adults, teenagers also have busy minds that are constantly bombarded with information. Yoga can improve their ability to focus and concentrate, which can benefit them in school and other areas of life.
Yoga for students and young adults
When you leave your parent's house and venture into a new world, it can be tough emotionally and physically: studies, the stress of the exams, job interviews, first job or apprenticeship. Better be grounded and self-confident to be ready for these challenges!
Practising yoga during university is very beneficial for students. Many universities do offer yoga to their students, and sometimes yoga is available at student accommodations for free.
- Yoga encourages a healthy lifestyle in the student's life: Yoga can be incorporated into a student's daily routine, promoting a healthy and active lifestyle. It can also serve as a break from sedentary activities like studying or sitting in lectures.
- Yoga relieves academic pressure: University students often experience high levels of stress due to academic demands. Practising yoga can help them manage this pressure and improve their overall well-being.
- Yoga improves social connections: Yoga classes at universities provide an opportunity for students to connect with like-minded individuals and form meaningful relationships, creating a sense of community on campus.