Welcome to our January yoga teachers!
Michael Salmon
"For years I was a person who enjoyed yoga but wasn’t dedicated to a regular practice. YouTube and the odd class here and there were my ways to get to the matt. Then one summer, whilst spending time with my chosen family, my niece had a book ABC of Yoga. We spent many days going through the poses and I noticed how much we both enjoyed it. At that time I was studying psychology with the aim to become a child psychologist. Then, I started to think about how yoga would be a good way to work with children once I had qualified. This led me to taking a course in children’s yoga. As I started to teach, I was right in my assumption, children begin to open up whilst doing yoga. During the classes we would talk about emotions and life experiences, as well as discuss feelings of being happy, sad, etc.
I started to read more about the philosophy behind yoga and this made me want to know more. Then I came across an adult yoga course that incorporated tantric philosophy, along with the methodology of teaching, before I knew it I had enrolled. Similarly, this is what happened with my teenage yoga course. I still wanted to pursue a career in clinical psychology but this dream was fading fast the more I delved in yoga.
Within my working life I gained a passion for supporting people‘s growth and development. A passion that grew from having over 15 years experience of working within the social care sectors different settings, including adult mental health and a children’s residential home. I started to explore how I could combined my two great passions and that has lead me to where I am now. Mr Moo, here for You!"
Join Michael for Hatha Yoga, Yoga for Kids and Teens classes.

Katie Lasek
"I’m Katie and incredibly passionate about helping you to connect to your mind and body through the beautiful practice of yoga. In my yoga classes, expect to learn ways to build strength, flexibility and mobility through mindfully moving your body in a way which leaves you feeling energised and empowered. I hold a strong emphasis on moving your body in a way which suits you and using your breath to help bring focus and calm.
I have a malleable teaching style, adapting to suit the needs of the class, may they be gentle and nurturing or powerful and dynamic. I care deeply about what I do and it feels a deep privilege to share the joy of yoga."
Join Katie for Vinyasa Yoga, Fitness Yoga classes.

Danielle Davis
"As a yoga teacher I teach Hatha Vinyasa, Restorative, Yin, Guided Meditation and Breathwork.
I teach in a way that helps you listen to what your body is trying to tell you. My approach embodies playfulness, wisdom, and humor that breaks barriers amidst wellness culture and encourages all shapes and personalities to the mat.
Personally, Yoga reminds me every day that we have all the answers we're looking for already, we just have to get quiet and listen."
Join Danielle for Yoga for Skaters, Hatha Yoga classes.

Caroline Butler
"My Classes
My flowing classes aim to challenge and strengthen the body with traditional poses while using more fluid sequencing to move between poses and around the mat.
I am also passionate about Yin Yoga and regularly teach classes focused on this. By working mindfully with the fascia and connective tissue, I aim to guide you towards a wider range of motion as well as a profound sense of calm.
However, my most popular classes are Yang to Yin which combine the best of both. For these, half the class is a dynamic practice where we burn off any excess energy before we slow down and settle into longer held stretches.
My Approach
In everything I do, I encourage a somatic focus - helping you explore what’s right for your body by helping you develop your interoception (self-sensing).
As a long-time sufferer of anxiety, I know how powerful this approach can be to help you move away from a busy mind and feel more grounded.
Perimenopause & Beyond
From Spring 2024 I'll be offering regular classes to support women transitioning through perimenopause and beyond as well as regular workshops focused on how yoga can help us during this time."
Join Caroline for Vinyasa Yoga, Hatha Yoga classes.

Samantha Francis
"I teach a soulful vinyasa flow from the heart, normally based around the elements and chakra system. I incorporate somatic cueing inviting students into a truly embodied practice and flow. I also guide an Embodied Yin™️ practice using elements of yin and restorative yoga, myofacial release and somatics. This practice is rooted in Nondual Classical Tantra and Traditional Chinese Medicine, inviting students to experience their own capacity for self healing."
Join Samantha for Vinyasa Yoga, Yin Yoga classes.