Jackie Dyson
I offer practices that aim to keep the body strong and supple, the mind clear and focused and the heart and spirit uplifted. I’ve been a student of yoga for thirty years and continue to study and be mentored on my own journey. I’ve picked up gems of wisdom along the way and my teaching comes with a passion to share what I’ve learnt. In my view, yoga is not only about what we can achieve on the mat, but what we can take away from the mat to help us be the best version of ourselves in the world. Yoga has transformed my life, I’ve seen it transform the lives of others, and that’s my reason for doing what I do.
I hold a British Wheel of Yoga Teaching Diploma, a Level 3 Mindfulness Certificate and have countless hours of CPD and additional training in the field of anatomy and physiology, āyurveda, mindfulness, philosophy, teaching yoga for specific therapeutic needs, various forms of healing and life coaching.