Federica Gualtieri
I’ve been into movement since I was 5, when my mum took me to after school gymnastics classes to get rid of my always-on-the-move nature.
I ended up doing gymnastics, dancing and in 2014 I discovered Yoga and how good it made me feel especially during/although lockdowns.
Being true to myself, I wanted to learn more, discover more, understand more in depth why practising yoga was feeling so beneficial, what was all about, and how it has the power of impacting the wellbeing and the feeling of a person. Guided by this thirst for knowledge and my intuition, I found an online Traditional Yoga Teacher Course from India, which I chose for my own personal discovery and self-actualisation alongside with a better understanding of mindfulness. It comes from within that I have since pursued Yoga full time to share it!
Expanding the mind, self-awareness and peace of mind are paramount for me.
My strongest desire is to accompany people into their wellbeing journey, both physically and energetically, and gaining/reinforcing self-confidence. Next, first and foremost, to learn how to put the mind at ease. With a peaceful mind, things look clearer and for what they really are without any commentary self limiting internal speeches. And this is the base to reach a sense of beatitude.
My classes will make you feel relaxed but energised, lighter but grounded. Harmonised, centred, motivated, full of positivity and clarity, and challenged - the same way that I was - together with carrying over a sense of harmony with you throughout the day and the whole week.