
Diana Woodhead

After a long career in the NHS and following lots of moves around the country, two children, a broken marriage becoming a single parent and a remarriage. I finally settled back to my home county of Yorkshire.Yoga really helped get through the changes in my life. `I decided to retrain as a yoga teacher and share my experience. Ananda mean blliss in Sanskrit and I aim to work towards you having a blissful experience in your yoga practice.

United Kingdom
Type of yoga
200 hour vinyasa, 100hours yin, 142 hours meditation, 40 hours breathwork /pranayama coach, 100 hours philosphy, sanskrit and mantra, Yoga nidra network trained facilitator, somatic therapeutic trained
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${ tag.emoji } ${ tag.title }

${ session.class.style } ${ session.class.level } - ${ session.minutes } min

${ session.startDay } ${ session.startTime } — ${ session.endTime } (${ session.timezone })
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${ tag.emoji } ${ tag.title }

${ session.class.style } ${ session.class.level } - ${ session.minutes } min

${ session.startDay } ${ session.startTime } — ${ session.endTime } (${ session.timezone })
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