
Sarah Benjamin

Hi, and welcome.

I have been teaching classical Hatha Yoga since 2011. I enjoy sharing yoga to help busy people find balance and clarity, relieve stress, and support their physical health and wellbeing.

The classes I teach focus on:

  • Developing flexibility and mobility
  • Breathing more effectively
  • Practising concentration
  • Relaxation (for both body and mind)

Classes are taught at a moderate pace with time for relaxation between the postures, and at the end of class.

The above elements provide a well-rounded class, helping you to rejuvenate the body, calm the nervous system and elevate the mind.

The holistic approach to this practice is what makes it a pleasure to practise, teach and share.

Hope to see you in class!

London, UK.
Type of yoga
Yoga Alliance Certified - 200 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher Training, Yoga for Pregnancy, Yoga for Seniors.
Type of class
No scheduled classes at the moment. Request a yoga class with Sarah.

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${ } ${ session.class.level } - ${ session.minutes } min

${ session.startDay } ${ session.startTime } — ${ session.endTime } (${ session.timezone })
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${ } ${ session.class.level } - ${ session.minutes } min

${ session.startDay } ${ session.startTime } — ${ session.endTime } (${ session.timezone })
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