How to increase yoga class attendance
We are doing our best to bring as many visitors to the platform as possible and help you find more participants, but we can't do it all by ourselves. Here are a few ideas to maximise your chances of running busy classes :)
Our recommendations
- Create your class with a marketing strategy in mind
- If you don't have existing students, start with one yoga class a week
- Pick a time that another teacher does not already take
- Keep the price low. A lower price will attract more people.
- Make sure you contact your network - even if people in your network don't practise themselves, they'll tell their friends and spread the word
- Email/text your network regularly about your classes, not just once! (Email or WhatsApp are better than social media to reach everyone for sure)
- Connect your profile to your social media channels by using your profile page URL and promote your classes on social media
- Pick a day and time and stick to it - regularity is key for people to remember your classes
- Find other ways than email or social media to promote your classes to your target audience, flyers at the local school for pregnancy classes or at your local shop for senior classes (we are available to provide advice, get in touch)
- Always create your classes before Sunday 11 am to be included in our weekly emails
- Follow us on social media and interact with our posts. We'll do the same with yours :)
- Do you teach in person? Tell your students about your online classes
- Take your in-person class bookings via the platform, so it's easy for students to join both online and in-person classes
- Do you have a website? Display your Live Yoga Teachers schedule on your own website using our embedded feature. People visiting your site will be able to click and book.
Our latest campaigns
Currently, we have Google Ads and Social Media campaigns about housebound people: parents with a newborn, people suffering from chronic illnesses, people working from home and people with a joint replacement... Yoga can be helpful in so many ways!
Create Chair Yoga, Chronic Illnesses or Pregnancy yoga classes.
When you create your classes, if your class is 100% dedicated to a specific audience, you can use the new yoga types Chair Yoga, Chronic Illnesses Yoga or Pregnancy Yoga.
You can be even more specific by adding tags: use “with baby” or “work from home” when you don’t mind if the class gets interrupted :)
Let us know if you want to add new tags, emojis or yoga types!
We need your help!
10 or 20 min classes are very popular on Youtube. We just created shorter class duration in the back end and are looking for volunteer teachers to try out short classes. Get in touch if you'd like to volunteer!

Our marketing strategy to help everyone find more students
Here is what we are doing to bring visitors to the platform:
- SEO: the platform is 100% SEO optimised (but SEO takes time, that’s why we charge as little as we can at the moment!)
- Google Ads: we run Google Ads campaigns and all classes benefit from the paid traffic
- Social media: we promote teachers' profiles and classes to hundreds of followers on our social channels
- Emailing: we email our platform database every Sunday at 11 am and send newsletters to prospects monthly (hundreds of qualified email addresses)
- Online PR: we monitor journalist requests and respond to them and we run a pro-active PR strategy to get media coverage
- Gift cards: we sell gif cards that can be used anywhere in the UK
- Corporate Yoga: we actively look for business partners for online classes and in-person classes
- One-to-one classes: we centralise requests and match with teachers for private classes
We send you quarterly updates
Once you are registered to the platform, you will receive quarterly updates on how we are doing: visits to the site, visits split by marketing channels, and new student trends.