Yoga Studios Reopening
When will yoga studios reopen?
Step 3 of the lockdown roadmap for England was announced by Boris Johnson on 10th of May 2021, which means that on May 17th, group exercise classes will be back and yoga studios will be able to reopen. Gyms group exercise classes will be allowed to resume as well.
Scotland studios are also expected to reopen on 17th of May, while Wales has reopened on 4th of May, and Northern Ireland should reopen on the 24th of May. Social distancing, regular cleaning and other Covid-specific measures will still be in place.

Yoga studio reopening guidelines
Here is what to expect if you’re planning to take an in-person yoga class next week:
- All studios will be asking students to book ahead of time, online or by phone, with no drop-in classes
- Do not book or attend a class if you have Covid-19 symptoms
- Your temperature will be checked when entering the studio
- Wear a mask in all common areas
- Use hand sanitiser as soon as you enter the building
- Follow directional floor signage and use all available exits to avoid overcrowding in the entrance
- Arrive at the studio ready to practise - some studios will have limited changing room capacity
- Yoga mats have to be 2 meters apart from their center, therefore yoga class capacity will be cut in half
- You can take your mask off once on your mat
- Position your mat within the marks on the floor provided
- Classes will be scheduled in order to allow cleaning in-between classes and to give groups of student time to leave the studio before the next group arrives
- Use of studios props is limited, students should bring their own mat and belt, or they will be expected to clean the props they use before and after their use.
- In some studios only easy-to-clean props can be used. No use of bolster or blankets. Other studios will wash blankets and bolsters after each use
- No chanting or use of the ropes or walls
- Yoga studios are required to have filters for indoor air circulation, such as Hepa filters or Rensair units
- Some studios will allow students to take showers but you’ll need to bring your own towel
- Teachers are requested not to touch their students to correct their poses
We’ll need to wait another month, until the 21 of June, to see all Covid restrictions lifted!