
Jacqueline Farrant

Jacqueline is a dedicated and passionate practitioner with over 25 years’ experience, and over 400 hours of formal yoga training in different disciplines.

Originally drawn to yoga to develop and improve her breathing being an asthma sufferer and keen runner at the time. Yoga offered her a means by which to manage her asthma and improve her running.

Her gentle, meditative teaching style promotes calmness and connectedness.

She offers students an opportunity to find space, be curious, and have the courage to experiment, play and explore more of themselves both on and off the mat.

Buckinghamshire and London
Type of yoga
Understanding Yoga 330HRS, Yin Yoga 50HRs, Breathwork Coaching 15HRS
Type of class
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${ tag.emoji } ${ tag.title }

${ session.class.style } ${ session.class.level } - ${ session.minutes } min

${ session.startDay } ${ session.startTime } — ${ session.endTime } (${ session.timezone })
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${ tag.emoji } ${ tag.title }

${ session.class.style } ${ session.class.level } - ${ session.minutes } min

${ session.startDay } ${ session.startTime } — ${ session.endTime } (${ session.timezone })
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